The company "Anagnostou" has been active for 50 years in the field of construction-construction of industrial equipment and steel structures. Today it is one of the most important construction companies in Northern Greece, offering comprehensive technical services in Greece and abroad.
We apply innovative design-build strategies and efficient management processes to deliver modern and complex projects as required. The effective support of our partners at all levels is a priority of our business. Continued investment in our human resources and in the mechanical equipment of our plant is an unquestionable value of the Reader.
Based on the technical requirements of each client, the company undertakes projects in specialized areas such as:
- Design, construction and erection of metal buildings, sheds, cranes.
- Metallic structures of industrial units for support of mechanical equipment (Pipe, Racks, Pasarelles, Platforms).
- Specialized metal constructions according to client's design and designs.
- Μελέτη, κατασκευή και εγκατάσταση μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού βιομηχανιών (χαλυβουργίες, χημικές βιομηχανίες, βιομηχανίες τροφίμων κ.α.)
- Μόνιμη ή περιοδική συντήρηση και αντικατάσταση μηχανολογικού εξοπλισμού των βιομηχανιών αυτών.
- Βιομηχανικοί λέβητες.
- Δίκτυα σωληνώσεων και αγωγών
- Πυλώνες ανεμογεννητριών
- Σταθμοί υδροηλεκτρικής ενέργειας.
- Λιμενικά έργα και εγκατάσταση γερανών λιμένων
- Συντήρηση γερανών λιμένων
- Μεγάλα μεταλλικά φράγματα/υδροφράγματα
The company "Anagnostou" was founded by Anastasios Anagnostou based on the core values of teamwork, integrity and dedication.
The persistent work, high quality of service and immediate response to customer needs have developed the company, offering work to dozens of families and creating standard projects in the Greek manufacturing industry.
Over the years, management has naturally passed into the hands of the next generation, Dimitrios Anagnostou and Ioakim Anagnostou, along with accumulated experience and solid foundations for a steady growth and presence in the construction industry.
Today, we are moving on:
- Priority to our customers' needs.
- Business ingenuity
- Scientific precision and innovation
- Corporate social responsibility
- I knew about investing in our people
- Creating confidential relationships with customers
The company is expanding its dynamic footprint by expanding its building facilities, modernizing its mechanical equipment and training its personnel to the extent that it can meet the most demanding projects.